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Brexit news & updates

VNO-NCW and the Dutch Government warn businesses: Get Ready for Brexit

Brexit news & updates

Get ready for Brexit Webinar: Speaker Lineup

We are a little over two months away from the end of the transition period. With less than 70 days to go #Brexit will happen.

Brexit (image: calculator)
Brexit news & updates

Johnson threatens no deal, the UK businesses beg for one

Prime Minister Johnson keeps turning up the pressure in the negotiations for a trade deal between the United Kingdom and the European Union. Around this time the negotiations should be heading into their final stages. Ideally, an agreement should be in place before the end of this month, to give both sides the time to get it ratified. All 27 European Union's member states need to ratify the deal. 

Big Ben and British Flag
Brexit news & updates

Brexit Deal Talks Extended With One Month

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Johnson Passes The Internal Market Bill

Brexit news & updates

After Brexit: Simplified Import Procedures in the United Kingdom

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Digitalisation to Speed Up Customs Processes at the Irish Sea Border

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Brexit Deal Still Uncertain

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Customs Support France will open a Calais Office to prepare for Brexit

Brexit news & updates