Hello and welcome to the new home of Britannia Bureau Ltd, now operating as Customs Support UK. By joining forces, we are able to unite our trusted offices in Langford, London Gateway and Liverpool with over 100 offices across the UK, Ireland and mainland Europe.
Our offices are now known as:
Hello. How can we help you?

Customs Support is the full-service and digital customs partner in Europe. A fast-paced company that stands for engaged people, quality, customs compliance and digital innovation. Every day more than 1900 customs specialists work in unity to fulfil your customs requirements. We make customs easy for global trade.
Customs Support has over 100 offices in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland, France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Luxembourg. Together we are uniting Europe-wide customs intel and experience through a digitally savvy and trusted network.
Previous phone numbers will remain the same, however the old Britannia email addresses will change. Please reach out to your point of contact or the new enquiries box if you have any questions.
Enquiries: enquiries-langford@customssupport.com
Customs Support Langford: +44 1621 856 444
Customs Support London Gateway: +44 1375 809 610
Customs Support Liverpool: +44 1513 515 560

A key element to any business improvement requires total visibility and control. It can’t be improved or controlled if it can't be measured. MyFreeway is a Customs Management System, designed by you for you, to manage any required process.
The UCR list, which was previously accessible through the Britannia Bureau Website, will remain at www.britanniadesktop.com for now, but will now be accessible through the Customs Support UK menu.
The main MyFreeway platform will remain at www.my-freeway.com
Customs Support is the digital and neutral partner for customs consulting and declarations in Europe. We stand for knowledge, compliance, and advanced IT solutions.